Monday, 11 February 2013

Part 2, Year 1, Term 1 - The Bartlett

As the title suggests, this is : Part 2, Year 1, Term 1.

So far, I've already learnt that I know barely anything. Forget what I knew from Part 1, it's already irrelevant. I may as well have un-learnt what I learnt from working at Feilden Clegg. I have been challenged, tried, tested and pushed (mostly by myself) and I wouldn't have it any other way.


My understanding of porosity has been redefined. Unit 20 's brief for the beginning of the term started with a materials based project, in which we explored "porosity". I understood the atmosphere to be porous, something that is penetrable by air. This short 5 week project resulted in a model I couldn't carry and ecessive amounts of latex. I could write a small comprehensive manual on the manufacturing of latex in the comfort of your shared kitchen (sorry California) - but I wont.

Model Making Materials

Larger than Anahita - An Exploration of the Connections Between Connections

Low lights included: a few days before our materials based project crit (pin up - which we all treating like a crit) and I missed the overground to uni about 4 days before - when I saw the overground leave the station at kensal rise, I almost cried. I didn't, but I almost did. I then proceeded to stand on the stairs for another 4 mins until the next train came.

The lowest point however, was waking up on crit day. I had gone to bed at 5:39, I set my alarm for 7:30. I opened my eyes at 9:02. After seeing the time on my phone, realising what had happened, taking a second to re-assess, the hysteria began. I started to weep right then and there in my mass of lovely soft pillows. I couldn't believe that I had managed to oversleep. So Cal gently opened my bedroom door and asked what the matter was. I told her, hysterically, throwing clothes onto my unshowered body and then throwing them off again, unable to assemble an appropriate outfit. She tried to calm me down by saying it's "just university." Hm.

Several hours of freaking out, frantic final touches to my ridiculous model and then the print que was full of third years. No worries, I went and hired a projector. Turned all of the lights off and had my crit in the dark with my glow in the dark model. It went medium well.

AND THEN WE WENT TO HONG KONG the next day for our unit trip, at 8am.


Then I wrote an article about Hong Kong. The article essentially tries to define whether or not the Hong Kong residential tower is a product of westerncentric globalisation or rather a product born out of the locality of Hong Kongs' unique culture. A blog post waiting to happen.

For more on Unit 20, please visit the Unit 20 Tumblr page at -  UNIT 20